“Her sins, which are many, are forgiven.”
Luke 7:47.
All forgiven—Jesus tells me,
Shall I dare to doubt His word?
He has borne the heavy burden,
Christ, my Savior, and my Lord.
All forgiven—Jesus bids me
“Go in peace” since He has died,
Bids me look at each deep wound print
In His hands, and feet, and side.
All forgiven—oh, the sweetness,
And the music of His voice!
Telling me of fullest pardon,
Sure my heart may well rejoice.
All forgiven—secret, open
Sins, which none but Jesus knew,
He has canceled, freely pardoned
And forever hid from view.
All forgiven—‘tis my Savior
Speaks the words with living power.
His most precious blood hath cleansed me;
He will keep me, every hour.
All forgiven—soon the glories,
Which no eye as yet has seen,
Will be mine, in His own presence,
Gladness then where tears have been.