All Manner of Sin

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 5
Solemn words are those of the Lord Jesus recorded in Matt. 12:31: "All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.”
Some earnest souls who love the Savior find in these words anything but comfort. They torture themselves with the question: Have I committed this unpardonable sin? But the warning of the passage does not refer to them. The comfort of it does.
The Pharisees dared to say that the Lord Jesus Was in league with Satan—that He had an unclean spirit in, Him. Thus it was, they said; that. He could do such wondrous miracles as those performed by Him from day to day. They could not deny that the works of power were done; so in the hardness of heart and hatred against Christ they sought to keep the people under their power by their wicked assertion: "This fellow doth not cast out devils but by Beelzebub, the prince of the devils." This was the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. For this there was no pardon.
Have you committed this sin? Do you hate the Son of God and speak thus of His wondrous works, ascribing His divine power to the influence of Satan's forces?
"Oh, no," I can imagine you replying; "I love the Savior, but I am such a sinner myself that I do not think there can be forgiveness for me.”
Take, then, the comfort of the verse. It is for you—the condemnation of it was for others. "All manner of sin." How inclusive! Could you strengthen it or make it wider? The Savior has died, and His precious blood cleanseth from all sin. Trust Him wholly now. Rest upon His, faithful Word. Believe it fully and peace will be yours.
"His honor is engaged to save
The meanest of His sheep;
All that the Father to Him gave
His hands securely keep.”