“God [speaks] once, yea twice, yet man [perceives] it not. In a dream, in a vision of the night . . . in slumberings upon the bed . . . that He may withdraw man from his purpose. . . . He [keeps] back his soul from the pit, and his life from perishing” (Job 33:14-18).
Eleven-year-old Bob went to Sunday school. Norman, his teacher, asked the boys in his class to raise their hands if they had received the Lord Jesus as their Saviour. Bob watched as one boy after another raised his hand. He did not want to be different, so he raised his hand too. He didn’t like to admit he was a sinner.
During the week he was playing ball tag with his friend Billy. As they played, they ran into the road and a car struck both of them. They were knocked to the ground but not hurt much. The driver of the car wanted to take them to the hospital, but they got up and ran away.
Back in Sunday school the next Sunday, Norman again asked the boys to raise their hands if they had received the Lord Jesus. Bob watched the other boys raising their hands, and again he acted a lie by raising his hand.
During the week, Bob had to cross Wellington Street at LaSalle to get home. It was a dangerous intersection - they were wide and busy streets. As Bob dashed across Wellington Street, a streetcar struck him. He rolled across the lanes of traffic into the curb without being hit by an oncoming car. When he looked up and saw the streetcar conductor coming toward him, Bob got up and ran home.
At the next Sunday school session, the boys were asked again to raise their hands if they were sure they knew Jesus was their very own Saviour. Bob knew the story of God’s love and the way of salvation, but still he had not acted on it. Once again he raised his hand with the rest of the boys.
On his way home from school another day, Bob had to cross the busy intersection. Without looking carefully, he ran in front of a huge Mack truck. The truck driver screeched to a stop! It was a very close call. The nose of this frightened boy was almost touching the bumper of the truck!
That night Bob had a nightmare. He dreamed the double wheels of the heavy truck had run over him, and he was in HELL! Satan had finally gotten him! He woke up screaming in anguish.
Bob’s mother rushed into his room. “Robert, what is the matter?”
“I dreamed that Satan got me, and I was in hell!” a very shaken Bob answered. He waited no longer. On his knees by his bed, he told the Lord Jesus that he wanted Him to take his sins away and save his soul. “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:13).
The next Sunday Bob went to his teacher and told him that he was saved. Norman wanted to be sure of this. He knew Bob had been lying when he had raised his hand in class several times. Norman asked Bob to get down on his knees and confess to God that Jesus was his Lord. “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved” (Romans 10:9).
Bob is now a grown man who loves to tell other people of God’s love in sending His Son, Jesus, into the world to save sinners. If any of you who read this story are not yet trusting in the Lord Jesus to save you from your sins, do not wait. The Bible says, “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).