Almost or Saved?

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 3
The ship failed to make it to the harbor. In the raging storm, it was driven by the wind's fury away from the entrance to the place of safety, and was wrecked on a rocky shore. There the remains of that once-fine ship lie. It is a warning to sailors to beware of the rock-bound coast.
Many are the warnings to all of us who are sailing on the sea of life. The great storm of "the wrath to come" is at hand. In view of these warnings, may I ask: "Have you made the harbor? Are you safe for eternity?" The Lord Jesus Christ is the only refuge. Oh, before the storm breaks, flee to Him.
Many a ship has been just too late to make the harbor and has been wrecked just outside. Many a soul has heard the warnings of the Spirit of God and has put off answering the greatest of all questions until it was too late.
The world, with its enticing voice, has called; its attractions have allured; and the promptings of the conscience have been unheeded. Part of the world may have been gained for a time, but the soul has been lost for eternity. Almost saved—TOTALLY LOST!
"Almost!" Oh, the agony for those who were so near the glory and yet were lost!
Under which heading do you belong—"Almost" or "Saved"?
So near the door—and Savior, I come! I
the door stood wide! cried to Thee;
Close to the refuge— And now this word is
but not inside! true of me.
Near to the fold—but Thou hast brought me
not within! to Thee today:
Almost persuaded to Thou would'st not
flee from sin; have me turned away;
Almost persuaded to I could not rest till I
bear the cost; should be
Almost a Christian— Within the refuge—
yet finally lost. safe in Thee.