“Alone with God!” oh! joy supreme!
What can with it compare?
Apart from this world’s gloom and sin,
I breathe a purer air!
What heights and depths of love divine!
No room for sigh or moan;
Who would not revel in such joy?
Alone with God alone!
Oh! yes, my soul, ‘tis there I learn
His gracious mind and will;
Wisdom and strength to guide me home,
Love never worketh ill;
Peace like an even river flows
Within that hallowed zone;
Naught to disturb, nor try, nor vex,
Alone with God alone!
Alone with God, the Infinite!
How can the finite dwell?
Yet such is oft my happy lot,
And then, with me, ‘tis well!
For there, beneath His sheltering wings,
And folded to His breast,
All care and sorrow flee away;
And thus I’m fully blest!
Alone with God! no clouds between,
In fellowship divine,
I listen to my Father’s voice,
And know that He is mine:
Alone with God ‘tis there I learn
The secrets of His heart:
The wisdom of His ways discern
That none else can impart.
Yes, far above earth’s floating dreams,
Above the wild waves’ roar, I bask in the unsullied light
That shines from glory’s shore;
Spell-bound, I hear the angelic choirs
Ring out their gladsome lay;
And ransom’d hosts their “new song” chant,
In realms of endless day.
Meanwhile, we’ll wait the trumpet shout;
The Bridegroom soon will come;
‘Tis but “a little while,” O Lord!
Thou’lt come to take us home;
Raised, and caught up, with bodies changed,
And fashioned like Thine own,
Thy saints shall in Thine image shine—
Thou wilt not dwell alone!
S. T.