Alone With God

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 2
Alone with God art thou afraid to be?
Hiding from Him as though He could not see?
Alone with God if thou hast never been,
Ne’er in His sight thine own lost state hast seen,
Alone before Him never searched thy heart,
And proved its worthlessness in every part,
Alone with God if thou hast never stood,
There learned the value of Christ’s precious blood,
Alone with Him refuse not now to be,
With Him whose heart is full of love to thee,
With Him who formed thee, and who gave thee breath,
Whose power and love preserve thee now from death.
Alone with God! oh, do not steel thy heart
‘Gainst Him who made it, knows each hidden part,
Whose eye discovers every secret thought,
And sees each sin and folly thou hast wrought,
Alone with God! Oh, hasten to be there,
Low at His footstool bow thy soul in prayer,
Own He is righteous, and thou’rt full of sin,
Own every evil thing, outside and in.
Alone with God, with all thy thoughts laid hare
And every hidden sin that’s lurking there.
This is the place for blessing, and when here,
God can in righteousness His grace bring near.
Own thyself ruined, sinful, lost, undone,
Then plead the Sacrifice—His well-loved Son.
Plead that He’s raised Him, set Him on His throne;
Then may’st thou count that Savior as thine own,
Alone with Him thou then wilt love to be,
With Him who loved thee and who died for thee.
Who made the world, who all things did create,
Yet veiled His glory, stooped to man’s estate,
Sought His own world, and took the sinner’s place,
Received of sin the wages—matchless grace!
But now in glory He is seated, where,
Waiting He longs with us His joy to share.
Thence will He come, and fetch us there to be,
Where sorrow, pain, or death no more we’ll see.
Η. M. S.