"Am Ddym"

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 3min
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I almost hear some of the little readers of “Messages of Love’’ exclaiming, “What can those two words mean?”
Some years ago I was giving away some Almanacs printed in Welsh, sot hat the Welsh boys and girls as well as their parents could read a text daily in their own language, which they love so well. I came to a lonely house among the hills, and on knocking at the door to give one of the Almanacs and some Welsh books to the inmates, I heard a tapping on the bedroom window and a woman was there vigorously shaking her head. She evidently took me to be peddler trying to sell my goods, and she did not wish to buy them.
I began to push the Almanac under the door and in a moment she was downstairs pushing the door mat hard against it, so that it was impossible to get the Almanac in that way. She thought she had gained the victory but I managed to push the mat with a stick, and thrust the Almanac well in.
From her bedroom window she looked on almost defiantly, as if her castle was besieged, but as I called as clearly as I could the magical word at the head of this paper, her face changed and with smiling face came downstairs, threw open the door and picking up the Almanac and little books lying inside in the passage, she made known to me that she was very glad to have them all.
The question comes again. Why should two such strange words such make a difference at once?
It was simply that she understood their meaning and believed the messages they brought to her.
These two words were the means of opening many otherwise closed dome in Wales, and I doubt not they would open many a heart to God that had been closed against Him and His loving through listening to the lie of Satan the enemy of God.
The secret is that “Am ddym” means “FOR NOTHING.” The moment the dear woman heard the good news the the books and Almanacs were free, and there was nothing to pay for them she changed her mind, came down, and accepted them gladly.
Dear children, you may smile as you read of this Welsh woman and think she was very foolish to act as she did, but
have you not the same feeling in your heart, that God is wanting you to give Him something for that which through the work of His dear Son He is able to offer freely without money and without price?
In Revelation 21:6 God says,
“I will give.”
That is His side in the gospel story. Your part is found in the next chapter (ver. 17),
“Let him take.”
Could anything be more simple and blessed than this? God says to all who are thristing and longing for salvation, “I will give,”
“Let him take.”
God gave His Son to die upon the cross, and now the work is finished and Jesus is raised from the dead and has gone back to heaven, He has sent down the Holy Spirit to make known to all that God is still the same, delighting to give, and to bless all that are ready to take, He says to you,
“Am ddym.”
May it open your heart’s door and may you be ready to receive His great gift.
ML 09/29/1946