“I FEAR that there is no mercy for me. I have such a wicked heart; I have sinned so dreadfully; besides, I do not think that I am one of the elect.” Such were the words which a truly anxious soul addressed to us, not long since, in reply to our inquiry, “Are you one of the Lord’s people?”
The sting of this person’s trouble lay in the fear, “Am I one of the elect,” and many are suffering in like manner.
“Let us search the Scriptures,” said we, “and see whether there is in them such a text as, ‘In order to know that I am saved I must know that I am one of the elect.’ You will not find such a thought in the Bible. God does not bid you inquire into His counsels to discover whether you are elect: God invites you to partake of the benefits reaching to lose sinners from His crucified Son. Look at the cross of Christ; behold Him dying upon that accursed tree, and, seeing Him there, see what sin is, and what you are. You will find that the sight of Christ crucified will prove to you your sinfulness in God’s sight, and will also prove to you that God pardons according to the value of the work of His Son.”
A few days after this conversation the looking to Christ bore its blessed fruit, and the poor, troubled soul could say, “Thank God, I am saved!”
H. F.