"Am I One of the Elect?"

John 6:37
THIS WAS THE TORMENTING question that continually harrowed the mind of Frances P—. “If I am one of the elect then I will be saved, and if I am not—then I’ll be lost.” It was but another of Satan’s deceptions to keep her from Christ. Election is a most blessed and comforting truth of Scripture, but it is one of the family secrets of the household of faith. The awakened sinner needs a Savior, for he is lost, he is dead and needs life, guilty and needs justification. Will election save, will it quicken, will it justify? I am a personal sinner and I need a personal Savior. Did election die for you? Has not God taken to Himself the title, Savior-God, and think you He will share His glory with another, or with aught else? Even supposing you could search the registers of Heaven and find your name inscribed there, would that help you to peace, would such a piece of information put your sins away? Oh, dismiss this foolish thought! Rebuke the enemy by at once accepting Christ.
“Am I one of the elect?” I cannot say. But I can assure you of this, on the authority of God, that you are a sinner, and unless you repent and believe the gospel, you must perish. Election did not die on the cross for you, and it is the cross of Jesus Christ alone which determines your character and position before God.
You want to be saved sometime, but—when? WHEN?
“Oh, the misery of my soul,” she afterward related, “as I wondered if mine was saving faith, if I was believing with my head or my heart. How sure I felt I could be, if I could only feel happy. But God would not have us feel happy for our assurance. If that were the case, where would the assurance be during testing times, in the dark and cloudy day? Ah, no! Our salvation must rest upon His Word, and that alone, and then what a sure foundation we have. Before I was saved the ‘believing verses’ seemed hard for me. Having heard this expression, ‘The devils also believe, and tremble’ (James 2:19), I wondered how I could know if I am believing to the saving of my soul. But when John 6:37 was shown me, and I saw Him, as it were, with outstretched arms, saying, ‘Come! Oh, come to Me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest,’ and, ‘Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out,’ I simply came to Jesus
—as I was,
Weary and worn and sad;
I found in Him a resting place,
And He has made me glad',”
“Lord, are there few that be saved?” was a curious question once put to our Lord. Did He gratify the idle curiosity of the man? No; but He addressed a solemn word to the consciences of His hearers. “Strive to enter in at the strait gate; for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able” (Luke 13:23-24). The “gate” was fitted and made just to allow sinners to get in. It is “strait;” too much so, if thou comest as a saint or as an elect one, but quite wide enough if you come as a sinner. Many now occupying themselves with election will at the last find themselves standing outside the closed door, unsaved and unsavable.
Why will you raise up barriers where God has erected none? Why will you oppose your own salvation? Why trouble your mind about that which in no wise concerns you? God will save you now. If you wait longer you may perish. Is not Christ, in the glory bright above, the witness of the perfect putting away of sins? What more would you have? Could God do more than He has done to set you in peace before Him? He gave His Son, who “appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself” (Heb. 9:26). Now all is done, and God rests in divine satisfaction in that work. The “one sacrifice for sin” is either sufficient for your ransom, or, if not, you must perish. See to it, that you be not among the many who will be taken from discussing theological points to meet God in eternity.
“Never let what you do not know disturb what you do know,” said a wise and good man.
Never forget that He who said, “All that the Father giveth Me shall come to Me,” immediately added: “And him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37).
“Oh, precious words that Jesus said:
‘The soul that comes to Me
I will in no wise cast him out,
Whoever he may be’.”
I never yet heard a single person say: “I came to Jesus, and He cast me out.” There never was such a case. If you are not saved and happy in the love of Christ, it is because you have never come to Him. For more than nineteen hundred years His own words have been standing on record: “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37). Are you among those who have come? If not, come now. His gracious invitation is, “Come unto Me... and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28).