Admonishment to those who are heavenly citizens—Edification, Exhortation & Comfort Series #11
"Now then we are ambassadors for Christ." 2 Cor. 5:20
There are three outstanding characteristics of an ambassador:
1. He represents his country in another country.
2. He takes up the interests of his fellow citizens in that country.
3. He instructs as to the requirements of becoming a citizen of his country.
This is what a believer, who is a citizen of heaven should be doing. We are, "fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God." Ephesians 2:19. We also read in Philippians 3:20, "Our commonwealth has its existence in the heavens." (JND Translation).
First, we are here on this earth, in a foreign land, so to speak, to represent Christ and heaven. There should then be a behavior that is in keeping with this calling. If an ambassador acts in a way that disgraces his country he will be recalled. That is what is referred to in 1 John 5:16. "There is a sin unto death." It is the recalling of the ambassador who dishonors his Savior, and has a disastrous doubt being done only after repeated warnings and admonitions from the Lord.
Secondly, the Christian ought to have at heart the good and well being of his fellow believer. If a traveler is in difficulty in a foreign country he can go to the embassy or consulate of his nationality in that country and find help and refuge. Are we accessible to others who belong to heaven? Are we watchful for the needs of those that belong to the Lord and with whom we are "fellow citizens?"
Thirdly, an ambassador instructs those of the county he is in, as to what is required if they want to become citizens of his home country. lust so, we are here to present the gospel to those around us, and to tell others how they too can become citizens of heaven, that "better country." Hebrews 11:16.
An ambassador never gets involved with the political wrangling or operating of the country he is in. No, he is not a citizen, he is a foreigner, and only there temporarily as a representative. We are here to represent Christ and His interests, let us bear this in mind at all times.
"A faithful ambassador is health." Proverbs 13:17
We're citizens of glory,
Yes, saints by heavenly birth;
We do not get entangled,
With the affairs of earth.
Ambassadors for Jesus,
Our Lord we represent;
We speak for Christ, and heaven,
From whence He carne and went.