An Acrostic.

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 1min
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E TERNITY! how solemn! yet ‘tis true
T hat unbelief Hath endless ill in view:
E ach hour deriving terror from the last;
R ecurring torment, ne’er completely past;
N o heart to cheer, no hand to bring relief,
I ncessant agony, undying grief;
T he woe unspeakable; sheer blank despair,
Y ea, not one mitigating solace there!
E TERNAL LIFE! —no less, the Saviour gives
T o him who in His peerless name believes;
E ntire remission, present, perfect peace,
R ich promise of incomparable bliss;[Son―
N ew joys, bright glories, shared with God’s own
A biding proofs of triumphs rightly won,
L oved like Himself, and lifted to His throne.
L et none exclaim, These joys are not for me!”
I n Christ believe; He died for such as thee.
F ear not to take Life’s waters; quench thy thirst;
E ternal life awaits the least and worst.
C. E. P.