An Aged Christian's Testimony.

A FEW weeks ago, I had occasion to call at a person’s house on business. While there I observed a very aged woman, the mother of the mistress of the house. She was seated in a large arm-chair by the fireside, and, as I looked at her, my hearty earned to know whether she was the Lord’s. After a few remarks on commonplace matters, I said, “Dear friend, you must have reached a great age?”
“Yes, sir,” she said, “I am eighty-three, and although I have been a poor, ailing woman for many years, I have reason to be very thankful, for I have been well cared for and kindly treated.”
“I am glad to hear you say so,” I said. “How much we all have to thank God for in this life! But what about the future? There is One who has gone to prepare a place for those who love Him. Do you know the Lord Jesus as your Saviour?”
A bright gleam of joy lit up her aged face as she replied, “Oh, yes, sir; I do know Him—He is all my trust. I have known Him ever since I was sixteen years of age―whatever should I have done without Him!” My heart bounded with praise and thanksgiving as I listened to this dear saint of God telling out her sixty-seven years’ experience of the goodness of her blessed Lord and Saviour. She had, indeed, learned of Him who was meek and lowly in heart, and had found rest to her soul, and she was only waiting until her Lord should speak the word and take her to be with Himself, never more to be separated from Him.
Do you, my reader, know that One who is coming quickly? Oh, let me tell you that you need Him! You need to know the Lord Jesus as your own personal Saviour. Then you will know what it is to have abiding peace and joy, and you will be able to say, like this dear old Christian, “I do know Him. He is all my trust.”
“The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me; Thy mercy, O Lord, endureth forever: forsake not the works of Thine own hands.”