LET me illustrate to you what salvation is.
There is a peculiar sweetness in the word salvation, and to an awakened soul there is none more charming.
A ship is lost at sea; everything is swept away that would afford the means of reaching land. She is drifted about by the wind and tide, and is at the mercy of the waves. She is lost, absolutely lost. What do the dear people on board that vessel need?
Salvation! To them the word is full of meaning, volumes are contained therein. A ship heaves in sight, and bears down upon them. They behold, in that vessel coming to their rescue, salvation.
Their sorrow is turned into joy; and their faces, once the picture of misery, are now the expression of unspeakable happiness. Already they feel the force and blessedness of that word, salvation.
They are taken from the wreck, transferred to the other vessel, and taken safely to land. It is a complete deliverance,—it is salvation. Lost and helpless they were, but now saved, and consequently full of joy and gratitude.
It is thus with man. The whole world lies in wickedness, is guilty and condemned, and in danger of eternal perdition. Man, who is a sinner, is lost, like the vessel on the sea, with masts, compass, boats, and rudder, all gone. It is his condition in relation to God and eternity. He is self-destroyed.
Lost is the word that describes his condition.
Now, what does he need? It is salvation; present, complete, and eternal salvation. But how is he to get it? for in himself he is lost, guilty, and condemned. Like the condemned culprit awaiting the execution of the sentence, if mercy does not interpose, justice must take its course, and he must pay the penalty of his crime.
Thank God, mercy has interposed, blessedly interposed, in behalf of the poor condemned sinner.
“God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). In this way has God interposed, in His infinite mercy and love, for the rescuing of man from eternal perdition. "Salvation is of the Lord” (Jonah 2:9). “The Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear” (Isa. 59:1).
And mark, beloved reader, how the attribute of righteousness is mingled with God's love in the sinner's salvation. God is a Savior-God; as it is written, "There is no God else besides me; a just God, and a Saviour,... look unto me and be ye saved " (Isa. 45:21). Again, "To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness; that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus” (Rom. 3:26). On the ground of the infinite worth of the sacrifice of His Son, God can come out in righteousness as well as in mercy, and save the sinner.
The question of sin has been settled by the Lord Jesus on the cross, which leaves God free in righteousness, as well as in love, to save.
Some are looking at their faith, others at their frames and feelings, others at their works, others at their resolutions; but the verse says ME,—"Look unto me, and be ye saved." Ah, yes, it is Himself who is the Savior-God; our look must be to, and our trust must be in, Him, and Him alone.
In conclusion, dear reader, “Salvation is of the Lord," it is the purchase of the blood of Jesus the Son of God; it is ready, it is free, it is without money and without price; it is brought to you, it is offered you, it is pressed upon you, as God's gift.
Will you have it, and be saved for eternity?
E. A.