An Army Made Blind

Listen from:
2 Kings 6:8-23
The king of Syria had several times sent his soldiers to capture cities in Israel, but when they reached the places, they found the men of Israel had been warned of their coming, and were prepared for the attack, and they could not conquer them.
The king of Syria could not understand how the men of Israel were always ready for them, and decided that some one of his officers must tell someone in Israel of his plans. He called his officers to him and asked which one of them was for Israel. An officer answered,
“None, ... . O king, Elisha the prophet in Israel, telleth the king of Israel the words that thou speakest in thy bed chamber.”
Elisha was not in the room of the king of Syria, nor even in that land; yet it was true that, each time he had told the king of Israel where the enemy planned to send the soldiers, so each time they were warned and ready. It was the Lord who told Elisha the plans.
When the king heard there was one in Israel who could tell his thoughts, he should have feared and honored him. Instead, he wanted to make Elisha a prisoner, and sent men to learn where Elisha was. When he knew the place, he sent soldiers at night to surround the place and take Elisha.
Early in the morning a voting man, who was Elisha’s helper, saw the army with horses and chariots all around them. He was very much frightened and said to Elisha,
“Alas, no master, what shall we do?” Elisha yeas not afraid, and said,
“They that be with us, are more than they that he with them.”
How could that he when Elisha had no army Elisha payed to God to show his servant that He could help them. The man looked about again; this time he saw there were horses and chariots of fire in the mountains all around them and the man knew those meant that the Lord had power, and he need not fear.
The soldiers came to take Elisha, but God caused them to become blind for time, and, instead of their making Elisha a prisoner, he led them to the king of Israel. Then he prayed God to let the soldiers see again: they saw, hut were helpless to take Elisha they themselves, were prisoners with the army of Israel around them.
The king of Israel would have killed the men of Syria, but Elisha said he should treat them kindly and give them food. Then Elisha sent them back to their country, and they did not try to take Elisha again.
“Do you think the Lord can know the thoughts and plans of kings or any of us now? Yes, and let us honor One so great! The Lord “only knoweth the hearts of the children of men” (2 Chron. 6:30).
“He that planted the ear, shall He nor hear? He that formed the eye, shall He not see?” Psa. 94:9.
The Lord is still the helper of His people, although not with chariots and horses of fire, but by the Holy Spirit which He has given, for we are told,
“Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.” 1 John 4:4.
Find the name of the place where Elisha was surrounded (vs. 13).
What boy was taken to be a slave from the same place, many years before? (Genesis 37:17,18).
To what city did Elisha take the army? (vs. 20).
ML 07/02/1939