It was the last night of December. Three young men were sitting in the living room of a Christian's house talking of eternal things. Two of them were "saved by grace," and rejoiced in the knowledge of it. The other was not and, moreover, seemed totally indifferent as to his soul's salvation. His two companions were speaking very plainly to him, but he regarded all with a smile of derision. At last, looking up with defiance at them, he said: "I don't want to be saved, as you call it. If there is a hell I am willing to go to it; but I intend to have a good time here first."
For a time his friends were too shocked to reply. At last one of them took his watch from his pocket, and holding it in his hand, said: "Do you decide here, in the presence of God, on this last night of December, at fifteen minutes past eleven o'clock, to refuse Christ as your Savior, and choose hell as your eternal portion?"
To the astonishment of both, he answered: "I do"; and as far as anyone knows, he is unsaved still.
"What a dreadful choice!" says one.
"I cannot see how anyone could be hardened as to decide definitely in that manner," says another.
Yes, it was an awful decision, showing that Satan surely held the reins. But let me ask, friend, Have you been born again? Have you accepted Christ as your own Savior? "Well," you answer: "I cannot say I have.' Then you too are a rejector of Christ, and are practically choosing hell as your eternal portion.
Think, friend, of the facts of the case. Satan, who is God's enemy and yours, would hide from you your danger. We would, by God's help, show it to you. We cannot awaken you, nor can we save you, but if we can but warn you of your peril, we trust you will take heed to it, and escape for your life to Christ, the Savior of sinners.
Have you begun a new year on earth? Remember, you may end it in eternity! How solemn! Thousands began the past year as healthy and hopeful as you are now, but they are now in eternity. Meet God you must; how soon you know not. Are you ready? Be warned in time. Tomorrow will not do as well as today. "Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation." 2 Cor. 6:2. "Boast not thyself of tomorrow." Trifle not with the precious moments which God has given you; they will not always be yours. Why then delay?
"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." Acts 16:31.
"He that hath received His testimony hath set to his seal that God is true." John 3:33.