An Awful Future

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
Awful indeed must be the meeting between God and an unsaved soul. How can such a one measure up to God's standard of righteousness in Christ? When the plumbline is laid to a crooked wall, it does not make it straight, but shows out all its crookedness. The judgment of the Great White Throne will confirm the sinner's condition, but it can show him no favor.
The day of grace will be past soon. Then it will be too late to cry for mercy—too late when the sentence, "Depart from Me," is uttered—too late when the gates of heaven are closed—too late when the gates of hell are opened—too late when sinner and Satan, whom he has served, must be punished together -too late when they have been cast into the lake of fire, whence none can ever escape! Oh, what an end for an immortal soul!
What can be done now to save poor creatures from such a fate?
The only way of escape has been prepared already. Redemption is accomplished. Christ died and rose again. The sure foundation of grace and glory has been laid, and whosoever believes thereon shall never be confounded.
Christ "was delivered for our offenses, and was raised again for our justification." Rom. 4:25.
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." Acts 16:31. These are plain words; who can misunderstand their meaning? The Gospel is the same today as when they were spoken.
The end is near, the time is short, and the eternal state, whether lost in hell, or saved and in heaven, shall endure forever. The coming of the Lord draws nigh. Unsaved one, realize for your eternal good that you indeed are perishing. Turn to Calvary now!
Behold! behold the Lamb of God
On the cross;
For us He shed His precious blood,
On the cross.
Oh, hear the overwhelming cry;
"Eli lama sabachthani?”
Draw near and see the Savior die
On the cross.
"Come, sinner, see Him lifted up
On the cross.
He drinks for you the bitter cup,
On the cross.
The rocks do rend, the mountains quake,
While Jesus doth atonement make—
While Jesus suffers for our sake,
On the cross.”