One day my friend said to me, “When I was seventeen, I asked Jesus to forgive my sins and come into my heart. For a while I was so happy, but now I have this empty feeling in my heart. What can be wrong?”
My friend felt so sad, and maybe you have felt the same way—empty. I was glad to give her some simple advice that could help you too.
A Christian believes God and has let Him wash his or her sins away with the blood of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. However, something else is needed—Christians need to eat too. I don’t mean real food like oranges, peanut butter sandwiches and pizza! I mean the Word of God—the Bible. The Bible is food for our souls. We need to read it every day to receive strength and direction for our new life in Christ. Obeying the directions in God’s Word and talking to Him in prayer are very important too. If our minds are full of the music, video games and entertainment of this evil world, we won’t feel hungry for the rich treasures of the Bible.
Are you reading the Bible regularly? If not, begin today! Start to fill that empty place in your heart with God’s precious Word, until you are full and running over.
“Thy Word have I hid in [my] heart, that I might not sin against Thee” (Psalm 119:11).