An Important Letter.

January, 1924.
Dear Dr. Wreford,  ... Last month one of your papers reached me showing the evils of Socialism and their blasphemous teaching in Sunday Schools. 1 read them to a class of Sunday School teachers, and they were deeply impressed, and promised by the help of God not only to teach the truth as revealed in His word, but fearlessly to expose the evil of Socialism. I gave the paper (A Message from God) to one of them for further use; since then I have spoken of the subject to a well-known godly clergyman, and he has requested me to try and get either that paper, or something that would be equally helpful, that he may take the subject up, and warn, not the teachers and children only, but his congregation also. Can you send or recommend some for the purpose?
Modernism is rampant here as elsewhere, and it would be a real work for God to get this man doing service in this way, and I feel sure, he being so well known and respected, would be the means of many of the clergy following his example. Many are quiet through lack of knowledge. Trusting to hear from you soon, and wishing you from my heart God’s richest blessing. Yours in His blessed service.
A. L.