Dear Dr. Heyman Wreford, ―Once again I am permitted to send you a little for your work for God. You will please find enclosed 40s. Could wish it was more, but regret to tell you am still in failing health, and probably this may be the last remittance I may be enabled to send for the good work; “He knows.” I am now in receipt of old age pension, 10s. weekly, but that is not sufficient to cover my weekly requirements, as I am quite unable to do anything now, owing to acute rheumatism, which causes me to be unable to walk, yet the dear Lord knows our needs and wants, and is acquainted with all our ways and will supply all that we really need. Praise Hs name! I hope you are keeping better in health, having recovered from your later attack. The Lord bless and keep you in all your ways and doings, and may you have a bright sunset if He tarries long. With warmest Christian greetings, any may He abundantly bless your devoted work and labor of love for His sake, and all concerned, and your fellow workers too. ― Yours in Christian bonds and a sister in fellowship (Miss) L. McL.