"Have You a Remedy?"
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.
We need turn no further in the Word to find the gospel. What a tale it tells of the love of God! By the grace of God we are able to read this text and find it fresh to our souls.
In spite of the fact that we have such a wonderful story of the love of God, we find it necessary to point out first of all our need, your need and mine. We must see ourselves as God sees us. God's Word is a revelation from Him who looks down at you and sees you tonight, right where you are, and knows all about you.
Suppose I have in my pocket a remedy for any and every disease. With what joy I would start out to the hospital, anticipating the pleasure of offering the remedy to the sick boys and girls, and the sick men and women.
Do you suppose I would have to spend a half an hour at each bedside pointing out the fact that they are sick, and explaining carefully their aches and pains? Not at all. They would interrupt me, saying, "We know we are sick; have you a remedy?"
Or, suppose I have a pocketful of pardons for those who are in the penitentiary. Would I have to tell them that they are behind the bars, or elaborate on the poor food and the lack of liberty? They would soon tell me that they know all about it and want to get out.
Again, let me visit the poor house with a purse full of $50.00 bills. No explanation of their need would be necessary. The gift would be readily received without pointing out their poverty.
Now I direct you to the Word of God. It unfolds a wondrous tale of the matchless love of God's heart, of the pardon He offers, of a home in the glory, and of unsearchable riches. But, sad to say, all this is of no interest to a man who has not felt His need. Your need is far more desperate than that of the sickest man in the hospital, for you are dead in trespasses and sins. Your case is worse than the man in the penitentiary, for the eternal wrath of God hangs over your head. And you are in greater need than the poorest beggar in the city.
God says, "All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." Rom. 3:23. Then He goes on to say, "The wages of sin is death." Rom. 6:23. And He finally warns us, "After this the judgment." Heb. 9:27. God has faithfully pointed out your need and the warning cannot be exaggerated.
But now turn again to the glorious remedy, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
I like to think of this verse as showing us the height, and depth, and breadth, and length of that love. Here surely we find a height we can never reach: "For God so loved the world." If that verse were written at the beginning of the Bible it would be a marvel indeed, but here we find it after 4,000 years of the history of man's rebellion and failure.
LOOK UP and realize there is a God up there whose tender heart beats in love for you. Then we see the depth of that love: "He gave His only begotten Son." I almost fear to speak of it, for it is so solemnly deep and real. Often have we stood by faith at the foot of the cross and marveled in our inmost soul at the depth of a love that could give "His only begotten Son."
God looked down on that beloved Son as He went about with a heart filled with love and blessing. He saw the wickedness of man pick up stones to cast at Him; He saw them lead Him to the brow of the hill that they might cast Him down headlong; He saw them strip Him of that seamless coat and beat His back.
After man had done all that his wicked heart could think of against the Son of God's love, then God Himself poured out upon that spotless Victim, all the wrath and judgment that my sins deserved, and yours too, if you will have Him. Is that not a depth of love that cannot be measured?
And what breadth: "whosoever believeth in Him." Could greater breadth be possible? That glorious word "whosoever" has been the joy of many a poor sin-burdened heart. "Out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation," Rev. 5:9, have been included in that wondrous word. It meant me and many another here tonight, to the rejoicing of each heart. The heart of God desires that you might know the breadth of that love.
Last of all the length cannot be measured. Listen to the glory of it, "should not perish, but have everlasting life." Is there anything like that length in this poor world? Man talks about security, and seeks protection against every possible adversity in this short life, and is thus considered "wise" by the world, but God is offering something with unknown length. He offers "everlasting life" to the man of this world. Do you know anything of this?
As you take your next breath, you are either guilty and lost, or cleansed and saved forever. God now waits to record your decision to this offer of His love which has been made known to you.
Just as I am—and waiting not
To rid my soul of one dark blot,
To Thee, whose blood can cleanse each spot:
O Lamb of God, I come! I come!