An Unwanted Adventure

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All boys like adventure. But sometimes adventures can end in trouble, and I am thinking of one right now that nearly ended in death.
James and Ridley lived in Yorkshire, England, and they loved nothing better than adventure. At every opportunity they could be seen on their bicycles, headed for the seashore where they spent many thrilling hours exploring and climbing the cliffs. Suddenly one day they came upon a new discovery —a cave! Doesn’t that sound thrilling?
Eagerly they started in, and cautiously explored this way and that, over the slippery rocks and around huge boulders. They shouted and listened to the, echo as it rolled back to them from the darkness. Time went so quickly that they almost forgot all about it. But at last they turned to come back out, and found to their horror that the entrance was filling with water. The tide was coming in! Trying to hide their fears, they waded into the water, shoes and all, and tried to get out, but it was no use.
“You stay here, and I’ll go for help,”
said Ridley bravely. Without another word, he dived in and tried to swim out, but the oncoming tide was too strong, and he had to go back and stand with James, who was now up to his ankles in swirling water. Quickly they looked to the Lord for help, and then they started to shout with all their might.
One boy can make a lot of noise, and two boys in fear of their lives can really make themselves heard, so it was not too long before they heard an answering shout from a passing rowboat. Very carefully the boat was turned in the direction of the cave, and the oarsman could see the poor lads now up to their knees in water and looking very frightened indeed.
He picked up a rope from the bottom of his boat and carefully tossed it toward the mouth of the cave. The tide did the rest and soon the rope drifted right within reach of the lads. Quick as a wink, James seized it, and was pulled safely up to the boat and lifted aboard. The rope was tossed back again, and this time Ridley was brought to safety. They were both cold and wet, and scratched, but they were safe, and were mighty thankful.
I am very glad their cries for help were heard, and I am sure their parents were thankful too. It makes me think how thankful I ought to be to the Lord Jesus Christ who came all the way down from heaven to save a poor sinner like me. My peril was much worse than the two boys, for I was in danger of being lost forever and ever. And the Lord Jesus did more for me than the boatman did for James and Ridley. He died to save me. He bore my sins in His own body on the tree, and I have thanked Him again and again. Have you?
ML 09/30/1956