"And Edith With Them"

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
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EDITH WAS a young girl who one Sunday evening went with her mother to the gospel preaching. The preacher read from Luke 15, and spoke particularly on verse 2: “This Man receiveth sinners, and eateth with them.”
After the service was over, Edith and her mother started for home. The meeting and the words of the preacher had evidently made quite an impression on Edith’s mind and heart, for as they walked home tether she turned to her mother and said, “Mother, the preacher mentioned my name tonight.”
“Did he, dear, and what was it he said?”
“Oh Mother,” he said, “This Man receiveth sinners, and Edith with them!’
Yes, the dear girl had mistaken the word of the preacher; she had grasped the blessed fact that if Jesus receives sinners, she was included with them. “And Edith with them.”
Your name may not be Edith, but, whatever your name is, the same good news is for you personally. God knows your name and He knows all about you, yet in spite of it all, the Lord Jesus is waiting to receive you. Those who have come to Him can say from their glad hearts, “Just as I was, He received me, Seeking from judgment to flee; Now there is no condemnation, This is the Saviour for me.” Come just as you are! Do not let the invitation reach you in vain—torrow may be too late!