"And Fell Asleep"

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Anna Packman, just eight years old, was taken sick one day at school. She came home but her illness continued. Two days afterward, she told of how a Christian man had come into the little Sunday school and told them how kind it was of their teacher to tell them of the love of Jesus. Then she repeated her text, “I love them that love me, and those that seek me early shall find me.” Prov. 8:17. After this, she sang the little hymn:
Around the throne of God in heaven,
Will many children sing
Children whose sins are all forgiven,
Will heavenly anthems bring,
Singing, Glory, glory, glory be to God on high.
A little while after, a friend asked her, “What did the Lord Jesus come into the world for?”
She answered, “Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners.” And often when she awoke she would repeat: “Bread of heaven, Feed me till I want no more.”
When her companions came to see her, she sang a little hymn:
There is a happy land, far far away,
Where saints in glory stand,
Bright, bright as day,
Oh how they sweetly sing,
Worthy is the Saviour — King,
Loud let His praises ring,
Praise, praise for aye.
On the morning of her departure, she said good-by to her father and friends, and looking up, she waved her little hand, saying, “Glory, glory, glory!” and then fell asleep.
ML 12/03/1967