And Is It All True?

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 6
SUCH was the exclamation made by a Negro, not long since, when a patient at an infirmary in one of our large seaport towns.
“And is it ALL true?” Yes, indeed, and not only true, but “THE TRUTH,” all that is found in the word of God.
A few weeks back a Christian met with a severe accident, and was carried to the hospital in the town of H—. While undergoing treatment, a Negro, who had also been injured, was brought into the same ward. After a while, the first mentioned began to teach his colored co-patient to read. Their spelling book was the Bible; and as the scholar got on they commenced to read the Gospel according to John.
One day they came to that well-known verse—
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16).
“And is it ALL true?” said the Negro to his instructor.
Of course he was assured that it was, because it was God’s word. On they went together, until the twenty fourth verse of the fifth chapter specially arrested the scholar’s attention “Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that heareth my word, and. believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life.”
Again the same question was put, “And is it ALL true?” with the same answer, “Indeed it is ALL true.” “Then,” said the Negro, “that is for me,” and then and there rejoiced in the blessed truth contained in that verse. “Hearing;” “believing;” “HAVING;” “Not come into condemnation;” “Is passed from death unto life;” five beautiful links in God’s chain of truth, reaching from the precious soul who hears and believes right up to glory.
The dear man was so happy that he wanted at once to go home, to be “absent from the body, present with the Lord;” but that was not to be at that time, as he was cured and discharged from the hospital.
He had to undergo the jeers of several of his fellow patients, to some of whom he one day replied, “Me not make game of God; He stop you sudden;” and ere three days were over one of them died in great agony.
When our friend left the hospital he went to a little meeting of believers which his kind tutor, now also recovered, through the mercy of God, attended, and on being questioned as to his faith and the ground of it, replied, “Me no doubt; me read de same word as you!”
Dear reader, this is all true; and have you been able to set to your seal that GOD is TRUE? Or will this simple soul rise up in judgment against you, who, in the midst of the greatest privileges, have not said, “Then it is for me;” have not realized that the “he” — “he that heareth,” is YOURSELF.
And the scoffer: has this fallen into your hands? Oh, take warning; God is not mocked, for though He is “the God of all grace,” the “God rich in mercy,” yet He is “a consuming fire,” and will not have His word treated lightly, or one of his little ones mocked without dealing with you about it.
May all who read this find to their own joy that it IS ALL true, for Jesus has said, “He that believeth on me HATH everlasting life.”
S. V. H.