Androcles and the Lion

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Many years ago, a Roman slave, named Androcles, was charged with some wrongdoing and was sentenced to be put to death. But Androcles escaped to the desert in Northern Africa. One day, when sitting at the entrance of a cave, he was much surprised and terrified to see a large lion coming towards him; but instead of pouncing on him, the lion quietly came up to him, and lifting his paw, at the same time he licked Androcles’ hand. There was a thorn in the paw, and the lion seemed to realize that a man could take it out and relieve him of his suffering. Androcles took the thorn out and the lion bounded off.
Sometime after this Androcles was captured, and condemned to fight a lion in the arena. When the hungry beast was let loose, he sprang towards Androcles, but stopped suddenly, crept quietly to him, and licked his feet. It was the same lion from whose paw he had pulled the thorn, and though the circumstances were entirely different, the lion remembered the kindness, and showed his gratitude.
I am sure no one would have expected such a thing from a wild animal, but what a lesson it may teach us. If a beast can show gratitude for kindness done to it, how much more should we! Our parents have done many kind acts for us, and have denied themselves many things, so that they could give to us, end yet how often children turn around and speak disrespectfully to parents, and disobey them. They act as if they had less sense of kindness shown them than that poor dumb lion.
There is something more than this, for there is no one who has loved us as the Lord Jesus has. He has given Himself for us; He died in our place, and bore the judgment we deserved.
“While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Rom. 5: 8.
How much do we love Him, and show gratitude for all that He has done for us? Are we willing to please Him? Is it our delight to talk often to Him, and read His Word, and thus have Him talk to us? May we each one seek to please Him in all our ways, and thus show that we love Him.
“I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify Him with thanksgiving. This also shall please the Lord.” Psa. 69:30,31.
ML 11/19/1967