Ann's Disaster

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
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un loved dogs, so she didn’t wait for even a minute to say “yes” when Lisa asked her if she would take care of Buster for the weekend. Ann knew that Buster had lots of energy and would need a walk several times a day, but she was happy to have the dog and to be a help to her friend.
Things went just fine the first day. She and Buster took some nice walks, and Ann had lots of fun playing with him. But the second day things didn’t go quite so well.
Ann and Buster started out on a walk with Buster on his leash. Suddenly, Buster became so excited that he ran in circles around and around Ann. There she stood with the dog’s leash wrapped tightly around her legs, and she couldn’t move! All of a sudden Buster tried to run straight ahead, and Ann fell over onto the ground with a thud!
Just as Ann was held tightly with Buster’s leash, a verse in Proverbs 5:22 tells us we are held tightly with a cord: “He shall be holden [held] with the cords of his sins.” If you are still held with the cords of your sins, you are headed for a disaster.
There was no one around to help poor Ann, and when she fell to the ground she broke her leg. But the good news for each sinner is that the Lord Jesus Christ is able to help you and set you free from those cords of sin that hold you so tightly. The bad news is that if you won’t accept the Lord Jesus as your Saviour, you are headed for a much worse disaster than Ann’s. You are headed for punishment for your sins in the lake of fire, to be there forever.
There is only one way to be set free from your cords of sin: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31.