Immediately after thinking of, and writing about, “The fire that never goeth out,” I was feasted on another “never” (I would almost say even better than that), our Lord’s own blessed word, “Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst” (John 4:11). Or, as it is written in Revelation 22:17, “Let him that is athirst come... let him take the water of life freely.” Not a cup full, nor a pint, nor a quart, but freely, as much as ever he will. The water of life, the living water, is free, free to all who will take. Have you ever been in the fever of thirst yourself, and known the inestimable comfort, nay, joy, of a cup of cold water given you, perhaps, by your kind doctor? But to quench the burning thirst you must drink; and so, with the living water, you must do your part—drink, and drink again. The living water is Christ Himself, so willing to fill your heart with His precious life-giving water; and then if you have drank and been saved, you must think of others, of the hundreds and thousands who know, Him not, who are thirsting, ever thirsting, but have no knowledge of the living water that Christ will give to every one who asks. But how can they ask if they do not know? Make it a matter of prayer that you may give “living water” to some poor thirsty soul.
Emily P. Leakey.