“Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound." Rom. 5:20.
SWEETER, O Lord, than rest to thee,
While seated by the well,
Was the blest work that led thee there,
Of grace and peace to tell.
One thoughtless heart, that never knew
The pulse of life before,
There learn'd to love—was taught to sigh
For earthly joys no more.
Friend of the lost, O Lord, in thee
Samaria's daughter there Found
One whom love had drawn to earth,
Her weight of guilt to bear.
Fair witness of thy saving grace,
In her, O Lord, we see;
The wandering soul by love subdued,
The sinner drawn to thee.
Through all that sweet and blessed scene,
Dear Savior, by the well,
More than enough the trembler finds
His guilty fears to quell.
There, in the blest repose of faith,
The soul delights to see
Not only One who fully loves,
But Love itself in thee.
Not One alone who feels for all,
But knows the wondrous art
Of meeting all the sympathies
Of every loving heart.