Verse 1. There is nothing very special in it, being used in 2 Corinthians, Colossians, and practically in 1 Corinthians.
4. 2 Thess. 2:13, is security in presence of the power of evil; Eph. 1:4 is the special calling of God's purpose in Christ as to our place before God, as verse 5 before the Father. ἐν ἀγάπῃ should not be joined with προορίσας. πρὸ κ. κ. is essentially the same with πρὸ χ. αἰ. but the former alludes to the absolute purpose of God's own mind as wisdom, as in Prov. 8, η. χ. a. compares it with God's dealings in all ages and its present revelation through the appearing of the second Man when probation of angels and men had been gone through.
7. ἔχομεν means we have as a present thing in contrast with ver. 14. ἐν ῷ. however gives it as in Christ, not its application at any given moment. Everything is said to be in Him in a special way. The introduction of complete or incomplete is a mistake; it is what we have in Christ, not in ourselves, though we have it. All is viewed in the thoughts of God, in Christ. In Col. 1:14, the object was to show what we had and in Whom, not how; in Whom, who by Him, and He is before, &c. παράρτωμα is more the actual offense against God, not the wandering from what is right. He deals as to these in the riches of His grace. Compare Rom. 5:17.
8. σοφία is the mind conceiving all things rightly φρονήσις is the activity of the mind seizing the objects presented to it.
. 10. οὐρανοί are the actual heavens; οὐρανός; what it is.
11. ἐκληρώθημεν does not mean chosen as His inheritance (enfeoffed is the opposite of this, put in possession of a fee or feu). It means ‘have been made to have our lot or inheritance,' καί is the inheritance as opposed to calling. We have both, see verse 18.
13. “Trusted” is all right enough, or “pretrusted.”
14. περιποιήσεως is the acquired possession in glory contrasted with our being ourselves redeemed. Compare Col. 1:20, 21. The faith which you have, or which is found in you, is much more expressive; that is all. He realizes a set of people where it is.
17. These questions on δῷη are answered in verse 13. πεφ. τ. ὀφθ. is quite simple, the eyes are the object of the πεφ.
19. δύναμις is competency to act, δύναμαι; κράτος, might, relative power; ἴσχυς! mere bodily or actual strength. But the words are multiplied immutatively.
21.ἀρχή is authority contemplated as the beginning or origin of acts; ἐξουσία one who has a title to act, a right over; δύωαμις power (see above) κυριότης from one who is over or rules, lordship; but it purposely takes in all forms, not with the object of distinction but of Universality.
23. Divine filling of all things absolutely; compare also 4:10, which is not to be left out.