Answers to Bible Questions for April

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“The Children’s Class”
1.“But God,” etc. Eph. 2:4.
2.“Be ye therefore,” etc. 5:1.
3.“Not with eyeservice,” etc. 6:6.
4.“That the God,” etc. 1:17.
5.“For this cause,” etc. 3:14.
6.“Blessed be the God,” etc. 1:3.
7.“There is one body,” etc. 4:4-6.
Bible Questions for June “The Children’s Class”
The Answers are to be found in 1 and 2 Thessalonians
1.Write in full the verse containing the words, “Not as the word of men.”
2.Write in full the verse containing the words, “Not unto you in word only.”
3.Write in full the verse containing the words, “Be not weary in well doing.”
4.Write in full the verse containing the words, “Ye, brethren, are not in darkness.”
5.Write in full the verse containing the words, “Ye sorrow not, even as others.”
6.Write in full the verse containing the words, “They received not the love of the truth.”
7.When the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven, upon whom will He take vengeance?
Answers to Bible Questions for April “The Young People’s Bible Class”
1.The body of Christ. Eph. 1:22-23.
2.Against spiritual wickedness in high places. Eph. 6:12.
3.Of the Word of God. Eph. 5:26.
4.(1) Worthy of our vocation. Eph. 4:1. (2) In love. Eph. 5:2. (3) Circumspectly. Eph. 5:15.
5.Christ. Eph. 2:14.
6.Jew and Gentile united together in one and joined to Christ in heaven. Eph. 3:3,6.
7.So we may have to give to him that needeth. Eph. 4:28.
Bible Questions for June “The Young People’s Bible Class”
The Answers are to be found in 1 and 2 Thessalonians
1. What should be our attitude toward the Lord’s servants?
2.What are we to hold fast?
3.For what had God appointed us?
4.What is the penalty for being unwilling to work?
5.What verse shows man to be a triune being?
6.With what are believers to comfort one another?
7.What is the character of antichrist?
ML 06/04/1933