Answers to Bible Questions for February.

Listen from:
1.“Praying always,” etc. Eph. 6:18.
2.“Always in every prayer,” etc. Phil. 1:4.
3.“And by their prayer for,” etc. 2 Cor. 9:14.
4.“Cease not to give,” etc. Eph. 1:16.
5.“Praying always,” etc. Eph. 6:18.
6.“Be careful for nothing,” etc. Phil. 4:6.
7.“Ye also helping,” etc. 2 Cor, 1:11.
Bible Questions for April
The Answers are to be found in Heb, James; 1 and 2 Peter, 1, 2 and 3 John and Jude.
1.Write in full the verse containing the words, “Watch unto prayer.”
2.Write in full the verse containing the words, “Pray for us.”
3.Write in full the verse containing the words, “Whatsoever we ask.”
4.Write in full the verse containing the words, “Praying in the Holy Ghost.”
5.Write in full the verse containing the words, “Offered up prayers.”
6.Write in full the verse containing the words, “If ye ask anything.”
7.Write in full the verse containing the words, “Let him pray.”
ML 04/02/1922