Answers to Bible Questions for January

Listen from:
“The Children’s Class”
1.“And when he,” etc. Matthew 9:28.
2.“And Jesus said,” etc. 8:13.
3.“Blessed are ye,” etc. 5:11.
4.“If ye then,” etc. 7:11.
5.“Saying,” etc, 2:2.
6.“Then saith Jesus,” etc. 4:10.
7.“And she shall,” etc. 1:21.
Questions for April
The Children’s Class”
The Answers are to be found in Mark.
1.Write in full the verse containing the words, “The Lord working with them.”
2.Write in full the verse containing the words, “Hosanna in the highest.”
3.Write in full the verse containing the words, “She hath wrought a good work on me.”
4.Write in full the verse containing the words, “Thou art my beloved Son.”
5.Write in full the verse containing the words, “Go home to thy friends.”
6.Write in full the verse containing the words, “The Son of man must suffer many things.”
7.What takes place when, new wine is put into old bottles?
Answers to Bible Questions for January
“The Young People’s Bible Class”
1.Whoever breaks one of the Lord’s commandments or teaches others to break them. Matthew 5:19.
2.Because the Father knows what we need of before we ask. Matthew 6:8.
3.The angel. Matthew 1:21.
4.False professors who worked in the Name of Christ. Matthew 7:21-23.
5.By asking the Lord of the harvest to send them. Matthew 9:38.
6.“Neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” Matthew 6:15.
7. By healing the sick when He was here. Matthew 8:17.
Bible Questions for April
“The Young People’s Bible Class”
The Answers are to be found in Mark.
1.Why did the Sadducees err?
2.To whom did our Lord say to preach the gospel?
3.Where is Jesus first publicly addressed by God?
4.What was the commission of the man who was sent home?
5.What chokes the Word?
6.Where is a prophet without honor?
7. What rewards does the disciple get in this life?
ML 04/05/1942