“The Children’s Class”
1.“And Jesus,” etc. Matt. 8:20
2.“Therefore,” etc. 7:24
3.“And she,” etc. 1:21
4.“Let your,” etc. 5:16
5.“And lo a,” etc. 3:17
6.“Behold the,” etc. 6:26
7.“Bethlehem of Judea.” 2:1
Bible Questions for April
“The Children’s Class”
The Answers are to be found in Mark.
1.“The wind and the sea obey Him.”
2.“Have faith in God.”
3.“Rose, and came to Jesus.”
4.“And they crucified Him.”
5.“Lose his own soul.”
6.“A great while before day.”
7.“When Jesus was risen,” to whom did He appear first?
Answers to Bible Questions for January
“The Young People’s Bible Class”
1.Enduring persecution for Christ’s sake. Matt. 5:11-12.
2.Doing good deeds to be seen of men. Matt. 6:1.
3.They that do the will of the Father. Matt. 7:21.
4.From their sins. Matt. 1:21.
5.In the house. Matt. 2:11.
6.God. Matt. 3:17.
7.After His temptation. Matt. 4:11.
Bible Questions for April
“The Young People’s Bible Class”
The Answers are to be found in Mark
1.What was Barabbas’s crime?
2.What was Peter’s reaction to the SOCOILI cock crow?
3.Who better had never been born?
4.What caused the Lord to sigh deeply in spirit?
5.How did the Pharisees make the Word of God of none effect?
6.Who fell down before Jesus and told Him all the truth?
7.What verse would control what is listened to on the radio?
ML 04/07/1946