“The Children’s Class”
“Then did,” etc. Matt. 26:67
“And they,” etc. 27:35
“And shall,” etc. 20:19
“Again, he,” etc. 28:7.
“And go,” etc. 22:4
“But Jesus,” etc. 19:26.
“Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.” 25:6.
Bible Questions for June
“The Children’s Class”
The Answers are to be found in Luke. Chapters 13-24
Write in full the verses with the words,
1.“There they crucified Him.”
2.“He showed them His hands.”
3.“All live unto Him.”
4.“On his shoulders, rejoicing.”
5.“Strive to enter in.
6.“Yet there is room.”
7.What shall not pass away?
Answers to Bible Questions or March
“The Young People’s Bible Class”
1.The remembrance of the Lord’s words to him. Matt, 26:75.
2.Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Matt. 28:20,
3.Fornication. Matt. 19:9,
4.Alive. Matt. 22:32.
5.Hypocrites. Matt. 23:33,
6.The tribulation week. Matt. 24:3-21.
7.By showing it to His brethren, Matt. 25:40.
Bible Questions for June
“The Young People’s Bible Class”
The Answers are to be found in Luke. Chapters 13-24
1. Whose wife are we told to remember?
2.What was the prayer of the publican?
3.When shall Jerusalem see Christ again;
4.From near what town did our Lord ascend?
5.What did the disciples lack when the Lord sent them forth?
6.What was Pilate’s testimony as to Jesus guilt?
7.What does God think of that which is highly esteemed among men?
ML 06/02/1946