Answers to Bible Questions for September

“The Children’s Class”
1.“The place,” Acts 8:32
2.“This Jesus,” 2:32.
3.“To whom,” 1:3.
4.“Neither is,” 4:2.
5.“Then Peter,” 5:29.
6.“Who when,” 11:23.
7.“The second psalm,” 13:33.
Bible Questions for December
“The Children’s Class”
The Answers are to be found in Romans, Chapters 9-16
Write in full the verses with the words,
1.“Give account of himself to God.”
2.“Thou shalt be saved.”
3.“Wisdom and knowledge of God.”
4.“Wise unto that which is good.”
5.“Not a terror to good works.”
6.“Perfect will of God.”
7.Who pleased not himself?
Answers to Bible Questions for September
“The Young People’s Bible Class”
1.God. Acts 5:29.
2.Prayer. Acts 6:4.
3.To their own company. Acts 4:23.
4.Until the times of restitution of all things. Acts 3:21.
5.That of the Holy Ghost. Acts 1:5.
6.He does good, gives us rain from heaven, fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness. Acts 14:17.
7.Because the Jews judged themselves unworthy of eternal life. Acts 13:46.
“The Young People’s Bible Class”
Bible Questions for December The Answers are to be found in Romans, Chapters 9-16
1.What is our attitude toward those who curse us?
2.What is the proper attitude to those who cause division?
3.What sister served the church well?
4.Do Old Testament Scriptures have any voice for us?
5.Is God through with Israel as a nation?
6.What is to be our attitude toward the necessity of saints?
7.What should be the believer’s attitude toward debt?
ML 12/01/1946