Answers to Correspondents.: Frivolity About the Blood; Selling Clothing for the Lord

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G. H. S.—We unite with you in deploring the irreverent and unscriptural statements concerning "the precious blood of Christ," which are found in some modern evangelistic hymns. This serious blot—to say nothing of the light and jaunty way in which they treat this sacred subject—makes them, in our eyes, unfit either for public or private use. They are a degradation and travesty of the gospel. They foster the false idea that in some vague way—no one exactly knows how—the blood of Jesus is ever flowing, and that saint and sinner may continually resort to it for cleansing and for victory over sin. Such assuredly is not the teaching of Holy Scripture.
“The precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot," has indeed been shed once for all. We mean that His life—"for the life of the flesh is in the blood"—has been laid down sacrificially to make atonement for sin. It was the price of our redemption. This was at Calvary. There is no blood flowing now. Christ having offered one Sacrifice for sins, has forever sat down on the right hand of God. His service on that line is finished, and there remains no more offering for sin. All is done.
Now let it be clearly understood that the sacrifice of Christ was Godward; it was a propitiation for sins. For what is sin but lawlessness, and what is lawlessness but rebellion against God and His throne? Hence the need of propitiation. This Christ has made, and the door is now open for any sinner to return. Nothing bars the way, and infinite Love pleads with him to come back. If he believes the gospel, if he confesses his sins to God in true repentance, he is freely forgiven, and the blood of Jesus shed on Calvary avails to free him from all his offenses, and shelters him from judgment justly deserved. If it be replied, "Yes, that is correct, all his past sins are blotted out; but if it be true that we daily sin, will he not need daily cleansing by the blood?" No, his sins as guilt are remitted—every one of them—and they will be remembered no more. To use the striking language of Heb. 10:14, the believer is "perfected forever." "But what about his daily sins? Is he to treat sin lightly?" God forbid I Nor will the Holy Spirit allow him to do so. Daily sins, however, is not the question in Heb. 10, nor past sins either. I 'ke out both words. It is sins, without days, weeks, months, or years.
He has d one sacrifice for sins. Such is the statement. Let it stand as it stands without any addition of yesterday, to-day, or to-morrow. Christ has died for our sins—sins in their totality, from childhood to gray hairs—and in dying for them He has put them away, and they shall be remembered no more. The whole question is settled and set at rest forever. To
corn corn g ' nd again to the sacrifice of Christ as we di ' t is to follow the footsteps of the Israelite, s repeated offering for sin, and to place the nce of a Christian on a level with that of a j'e ' of old. What a slight on the one offering of Christ and of the testimony of the Holy Spirit in Heb. 10!
“But what about his daily sins? Is he to treat sin lightly?" says someone, returning to the question asked a moment ago. We repeat our answer, "God forbid! Nor will the Holy Spirit allow him to do so." Answering to the advocacy of Christ on high, He will deal with his conscience, act the part of a Reprover, show him that sin in a Christian is more serious than sin in one who is not, and lead him to a confession of his wrong-doing, that he may be forgiven as a child and be practically cleansed in daily life from all unrighteousness. But that is a very different thing from what took place at the first. Then it was judicial cleansing from guilt, never to be repeated; now it is moral cleansing and restoration to communion with God. As to victory over sin, the sure way for that is found in walking in the Spirit, as we are taught in Gal. 5:1616This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. (Galatians 5:16) think the Holy Spirit is given His rightful houghts of Christians? Do they see that MEI ".$ e to empower them to lead a life that is to ory and praise of God, and not a life defaced by continual failure and sin? We fear not.
A. J. P—M.—If a few Christian women make articles of clothing and sell them, intending to devote the proceeds to the work of the Lord, nothing can be said against it. It is purely a business transaction, and they are at liberty to use what 4-4?, in any way they please. But that is a t
thing from a bazaar organized with the e of raising funds for religious purposes, and to everybody is invited and urged to buy. We de' 'It believe in seeking the world's help to further God's work. But if I knit a pair of socks and sell them, saying nothing about the object I have in view, surely I may give the money to aid some godly purpose, even if4the buyer of the socks has no fear of God before his eyes.