1.“God was manifest in the,” etc. 1 Tim. 3:16.
2.“Depart from iniquity.” 2 2:19.
3.“The Man Christ Jesus. 1 2:5.
4.“Blameless, the husband.” etc. 1 3:2.
5.“Modest apparel.” 1 2:9.
6.“All that will live,” etc. 2 3:12
7.“The lawless and,” etc. 1 1:9.
Bible Questions for November.
Answers to be found in Hebrews.
1.What is faith?
2.What words follow these, “Almost all things are by the law purged with blood”?
3.Give the words following these, “The Lord shall judge. His people.”
4.Unto whom did God say, “Thy throne O God, is forever and ever”?
5.Who is the author and finisher of faith?
6. Who was it that chose rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season?
7. Who is the great shepherd of the sheep?
ML 11/04/1906