Answers to Questions of Sept 6.

Listen from:
1. “One another.” 1 Peter 1:22
2. “Not rendering evil,” etc. 1 3:9
3.“This is My Beloved Son,” etc. 2 1:17
4.“Humble yourselves,” etc. 1 5:6
5.“Every man.” 1 3:15
6.“This is acceptable with God.” 1 2:20
7.“Refrain his tongue from evil.” 1 3:10
8.“Exceeding great,” etc. 2 1:4
9.“Every ordinance of man.” 1 2:13
“ON THE TREE.” 1 2:24
Bible Questions for November.
The answers are to be found in Jude and Revelation, and the first letter of each answer will spell who are to see the One who cometh with clouds.
1.What gospel is to be preached to them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people?
2.Supply the word that is omitted in this part of the verse, “and there were lightnings, . . . and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.”
3. What church had left its first love?
4.Give one thing that the Lamb who was slain is worthy to receive.
5.Give the words following these, “Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth.”
6.What are we told to do with the faith which was once delivered unto saints?
7.To whom was it said, “Peace and love be multiplied”?
8.Who prophesied that the Lord would come with ten thousands of His saints to execute judgment?
ML 11/01/1903