Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
(to place away). The apothecary’s art was called for in the mixing of perfume (Ex. 30:35).
Concise Bible Dictionary:
This term is not used in scripture in the modern sense of a compounder of drugs for medicine; but in that of a compounder of ointments, such as would now be called a “perfumer,” as it is rendered in the margin of Exodus 30:25, where the holy anointing oil is an ointment compounded “after the art of the apothecary.” The same was said of the holy incense (Ex. 30:35; Ex. 37:29). Asa was buried in a tomb filled with sweet odors and spices prepared by the apothecaries’ art (2 Chron. 16:14; compare also Neh. 3:8). Spices were also carried to the tomb of the Lord to embalm His body.
Strong’s Dictionary of Hebrew Words:
from 7543; a male perfumer