April 11

Ecclesiastes 1:2,8
“Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher; Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.... All things are full of labor, man cannot utter it, the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear with hearing” — Ecclesiastes 1:2, 8.
THE natural man finds himself caught as on a great whirling wheel, with no power to stay the controlling hand of what seems like a relentless fate. So he finds life to be all vanity and a pursuit after the wind. But the Spirit-taught believer looks up and sees an exalted Christ at God’s right hand and knows that He is, in Himself, the Wisdom of God, and so can commit his life in confidence to His loving care, and can exclaim with gladness, “For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”
“The great wheel of the world goes round,
And nothing is at a stay;
The generations come and pass,
As shadows move upon the grass,
More permanent than they.
But yet, though the wheel be high, look up:
For a Form, and a Human Form.
Sitteth in peace above it still,
And guideth it with a perfect will.
Through brightness and through storm,
And the wheel of the world is His chariot-wheel,
For His triumph it moveth on:
And we catch from His glorious face to-day
The peace of its promise all the way,
Till the goal of His rest be won.”
—F. C. Jennings.