Ararat, Armenia

“Ararat” From Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:

(high land). A high mountain of Armenia, and resting place of Noah’s ark (Gen. 8:4).

“Armenia” From Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:

(Land of Aram). The plateau of Western Asia, whence flow its great rivers Euphrates, Tigris, Araxes (2 Kings 19:37; Isa. 37:38).

“Ararat” From Concise Bible Dictionary:

A kingdom which was called upon by God, in conjunction with Medes, Persians, and others, under one captain, Cyrus, to punish Babylon in revenge of Israel (Jer. 51:27). It is identified with Urartu or Urardhu of the Assyrian inscriptions, a district in Armenia, in which is Mount Ararat, on some part of which the ark of Noah rested (Gen.s 8:4). The mount is situate 39° 45' N, 44° 28' E, and its extreme height is about 17,000 feet above the sea, covered with perpetual snow. Objection has been taken to its great height, but it may not have been on its highest part that the ark rested.

“Armenia” From Concise Bible Dictionary:

This name occurs in the AV (KJV) in 2 Kings 19:37 and Isaiah 37:38, as the place to which two sons of Sennacherib fled after killing their father; but in both these passages the Hebrew word is Ararat. Armenia occurs in the LXX in the passage in Isaiah. Armenia lies west of the Caspian Sea, and extends northward of 38° N. lat. It is now partly in the Russian and partly in the Turkish empires.

Strong’s Dictionary of Hebrew Words:

of foreign origin; Ararat (or rather Armenia)
KJV Usage:
Ararat, Armenia

Potts’ Bible Proper Names:

A bow; mountains of Mini:―plateau of western Asia [ARARAT], 2 Kings 19:37. {Arcus}