Are the Ranks Being Filled?

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 9
“The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He would send forth laborers into His harvest” (Luke 10:2).
A few months ago, our all-wise and loving God called home another beloved spiritual father and shepherd—dear brother Don Bilisoly. His quiet, gentle and loving ministry (carried on with his beloved wife) will be greatly missed—and that at the very time when it is so desperately needed.
We don’t question the ways of our blessed Lord who does “all things well,” but we trust that our brother’s home-call will exercise all to pray earnestly that more spiritual fathers and mothers might be raised up for our blessing. We need them!
We also have recently experienced the unexpected loss from our ranks of others—a dear brother and father with a shepherd’s heart, leaving a dear wife and five children, as well as a young brother under twenty years of age who in his life had been an encouragement to other young believers.
May the loss we feel at the home-call of these dear ones (and others too) cause us to sense more deeply our great need. Also, may each be exercised to fulfill the ministry given to them (see Col. 4:17).
Laodicea felt no need, though she was in great need of what the Lord alone could give (Rev. 3:17).
How good to feel our need and pray earnestly that the Lord would fill the ranks with fathers, young men and children till He come.