We are all journeying. Every day urges us on. Time will soon pass. Then eternity will be reached.
Are we on the Right road? Does every passing hour bring us nearer heaven—Home?
We would seek to point fellow-travelers, young and old, to Him who is the way of life—the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ.
He is the only true Way to present peace and everlasting happiness.
Which Road Are You Traveling?
A man was traveling to a distant town on his way to a funeral, when he saw a sign at the fork of the road: For years he had trodden the old road — the way which “seemeth right unto a man,” but drink had snared him and it was now ruining him. It robbed his pockets. It robbed his prospects. And it threatened to rob him of his soul.
That sign on the road was a strange means used to arouse him. The sign had nothing to say as to spiritual matters, but the message made him think. It made him look ahead. Was he not traveling on the old road of sin? And what would be its end? The end thereof are the ways of death. Prov. 14:12.
He was on his way to a funeral. Perhaps his own was not far off— and beyond that great event which would fix his destiny forever, lay Eternity — eternity with all its peace and happiness for the saved, but with all its woe for the ungodly.
He was using the old road. It was “dangerous” indeed. It would mean his destruction in the end.
As yet it was not too late. He might be saved. The new road was open. He might tread it. Christ Himself is the way of salvation and of peace. God gave Him to be the path of blessing and of happiness for men. And He calls all to tread that way today.
There and then the folly of his past lire became plain before his eyes. He was missing the gladness which God had provided for him. The paths of pleasantness and peace he had never trodden. Instead he was on the broad road that leads to destruction. Why should he travel that road any fur thee?
The message on that board was used to his conversion. He turned to God from all the idols he had served, and fled to the Saviour of sinners who was waiting to welcome the wanderer. He received from His hands forgiveness, full and free, without money and without price. Today he keeps to the new road and rejoices as he treads it — while ever drawing nearer the glorious courts of everlasting joy and blessedness with Christ.
Which road are you treading, dear reader? Oh, friend, be warned in time!