Are You a Backslider?

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
If you were ever a more faithful follower of the Lord Jesus than you are now, you are a backslider.
If you were ever more wholehearted in your love for the Saviour than you are now, you are a backslider.
If you were ever more separate from the world which crucified the Son of God than you are now, you are a backslider.
If you were ever more zealous for the glory of God than you are today, you are a backslider. If you were ever more earnest in reading the Word of God than you are today, you are a backslider. If you were ever more frequent in prayer than you are now, you are a backslider. If you were ever more anxious about the salvation of others than you are now, you are a backslider.
Solemn statements—but true ones! Think them over.
If you are a backslider, the voice of the Lord calls you: “Return, O My backsliding children.” He would have you in the full glow of Christian blessing, brightly witnessing for Him; and living for His glory and honor.
It has been said that the backslider is a good advertisement for the devil. He can point to such a one and say to the world, “You see he does not find happiness through Christ. He has given up his service.” Another solemn, statement—but a true one! Think it over!
“I have against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Remember, therefore, from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works.” Revelation 2:4, 5