Are You a Rain Tree?

Are you, dear reader, a Rain Tree? If not, pray about it and begin to pray at once. Perhaps you may not know what a Rain Tree is. I will tell you, for I read it in the “Toilers of the Deep” in the July number, and, oh! how it made me pray that I might be accounted one in God’s sight.
In South America there is a species of palm tree that has the power of attracting in a wonderful degree atmospheric moisture, which it condenses and drops on the earth in refreshing dew. It grows straight up in the parched and arid desert and distributes its daily showers. There is no rain, no clouds, the fountains cease to flow, the rivers get dried up, but the Rain Tree has an oasis of luxuriant vegetation; getting its moisture from above, it renews the garden which it has created, and gives the weary traveler shade and rest. And so, dear reader, the Christian living in vital union with the Lord Jesus, his Saviour and His God, may become like a Rain Tree in this desert world and turn it into a garden of the Lord.
So, dear friends, let us realize that by vital union with our Lord, personal, daily, hourly contact we may become centers of blessing to all around and win many a soul to turn to Him and love Him, and also become a Rain ‘Tree in His delightful service. And, remember, prayer will do it, for does not our Lord tell us in John 14:13, that “Whatsoever we ask the Father in His name, we shall receive”?
So let us pray to be spiritual Rain Trees!
Emily P. Leakey.