Are You Afraid to Die?

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WHILE living in a small village in one of the midland counties, I often visited the dying, showing them from God’s word the way of salvation.
One day I called to see a girl about fourteen years old, whom I had often told of God’s wondrous love. As I entered, she looked up with a bright smile, saying, “I am not afraid to die now!”
Soon after this she was taken seriously ill, and we knew that she could not live many days. I again called to see her, and was cheered by her bright testimony of the Saviour’s love.
She said to her mother, who was in great sorrow, “Mother dear, do not weep for me, for I am going to the Saviour who did so much for me.”
After again telling us what joy it would be to depart, this dear girl fell asleep in Jesus.
She could say, “I am not afraid to die,” because she was trusting simply on what the Lord Jesus had done for her on the cross. She knew her sins were all forgiven, for she had read in God’s word, “The blood of Jesus Christ His (God’s) Son cleanseth us from all sin.” (1 John 1:7.)
Dear young reader, are you trusting in the finished work of the Lord Jesus? If so, you can indeed say, “I am not afraid to die, for His perfect love casteth out all my fear.”
J. S―n.