Are You One of Jesus' Lambs?

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 2min
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Most little children are fond of looking at a flock of sheep. How happy the little lambs appear as they gaol and skin about. It is a pretty sight, and as one thinks of it, we feel how good it is of the Lord to compare his people so often to sheep and lambs, He said, “I am the good Shepherd: the good Shepherd giveth His life for the sheep.” John 10:11.
He could not have us around Him, and make us His flock unless our sins were put away, so this good Shepherd died upon a cross of wood; and His precious blood that was there poured. out, washes away the sins of all who come to Him. Having died and been buried, this good Shepherd, Jesus, rose again, and is now seated at God’s right hand (1 Cor. 15:3, 4, Heb. 1:3).
Every day He keeps calling young and old to come to Him, and He never turns one away. Have you come, dear child? Are you one of Jesus’ lambs? Would you like to be? Do you say, Yes?
O, come then, come to Him now, for His love to little children is the same as when He said,
“Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not Mark 10:14.
Delay no longer. Come now! Jesus will welcome you, pardon you, save you, feed you, take care of you, both now and forever, then you will be able to say:
ML 07/28/1946