HANS N. was hall-boy for a doctor. This doctor was a true Christian. In a large room frequent meetings were held, attended by many believers in that city. Hans had the duty to open the door and show the way to this meeting room. As soon as the meeting began, Hans would seat himself at the entrance and listen. In one of these meetings the subject was:
“The second coming of Christ.”
Many passages were quoted, telling that the Lord Jesus will come again to take all His own who through sincere faith in Him, are washed from their sins, in His precious blood to His Father’s house on high; but those who do not believe, are to be left behind in this world, awaiting the final judgment, as foretold in the parable of the ten virgins. After the meeting was over the doctor asked Hans,
“‘Did you understand what was said during the meeting?”
“Yes, doctor,” was the answer.
“Do you know now what the Lord Jesus does when He comes again?” Again he answered,
“Yes, doctor.”
“All right,” said the doctor, “I just wanted to tell you, that when the Lord Jesus comes, all these things which I possess now, I will not need any more then, as my whole family and I will then leave this world. So you may have my whole house if when the Lord comes, you are still in my service.”
Such an offer Hans had never expected, and imagine his surprise when the doctor added,
“You may have all my furniture, the carriage, and the horses, besides all my money.”
Hans was so taken by surprise, he could not even utter a word of thanks. That night he could not sleep, he was so excited. A thousand thoughts passed through his mind. But as he lay thinking about all these riches, a certain thought struck him; what use is the house, furniture, carriage and horses, when the Lord Jesus comes for His own, and I am left behind to await Him as my judge? I would much rather be one of the wise virgins, and enter heaven with Him. It must be terrible to be left with the foolish virgins outside of the shut door.
As the silent hours of the night passed on, his heart beat more loudly, in the contemplation of the truth he had heard. Finally he could bear it no longer, so getting up, he went to his doctor’s door and knocked.
“Well, Hans, what is the trouble?” asked the doctor.
“Excuse me, dear doctor, I don’t want your house, when the Lord Jesus comes.” “Really not?” asked the doctor.
“No! Hans answered decidedly, “and I don’t want your carriage and horses and money either.”
“Well, Hans, what then do you want?”
“O, doctor, when the Lord Jesus comes, I would like to be ready to go to heaven with Him also.”
How glad the doctor was to hear this; he arose, and took Hans to another room where they talked together, and then they kneeled down, and the doctor told the Lord that Hans wanted to be saved. Hans also prayed with all his heart, owning his sins, and telling Him of his desire to be saved. The blessed Lord and Saviour who is ever ready, day or night, to grant peace and salvation to every true repentant sinner, heard the earnest petition.
Hans found peace through believing on the Lord Jesus Christ and His precious blood, “which cleanses us from all sin,” according to God’s Word. Now he was ready, like all believers, to meet the Lord Jesus, and had no fear or dread, but on the contrary, could say: “Amen, even so, come, Lord Jesus.” (Rev. 22:20).
Hans has since grown to manhood, and as a Christian, has told many sinners of the grace of God in Christ Jesus, and of His second coming.
Now, how is it with you, my dear little readers; would you all be ready should the Lord come today?
“Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the Master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cock-crowing, or in the morning.” Mark 13:35.
ML 06/14/1925