A general name for skilled artizans, whether in metal, stone, or wood. Tubal-cain was the first named as an artificer in brass and iron. Jubal was the father of all such as handled, or invented and made, the harp and the organ. Cain also built a city (Gen. 4:17, 21-22). In the above we see the application of the arts by man at a distance from God to promote their own welfare in independence of God. In after times the spirit of wisdom was given to Bezaleel for the work of the tabernacle in “all manner of workmanship” (Ex. 35:31: Compare also 1 Chron. 29:5; 2 Chron. 34:11). It would seem that the Jews never afterward lost this skill, as the remains of the walls of Jerusalem indicate. Nebuchadnezzar carried off all the craftsmen (same word as artificers) and smiths from Jerusalem (2 Kings 24:14), and he may have made use of their skill to adorn Babylon.