"And in the midst of the seven candlesticks One like unto the Son of Man... His eyes were as a flame of fire; and His feet like unto fine brass." Rev. 1:13-15.
A portrait of Christ by the artist Hemling of the Netherlands, had been lost a long time. It was a distinguished example of fine art portraying the majesty of the countenance of the Son of Man as world-Judge, having eyes "as a flame of fire.”
When this famous picture again made its appearance, connoisseurs of art decided to exhibit it to the poet Goethe. He was also an art critic of some note, and his opinion was valued. Unknown to him the painting was placed in his room as a surprise. It did indeed have that effect! But it so troubled him that he could not give the calm, deliberate criticism expected. After a while he signaled for a servant and commanded: "Take that picture away! I cannot endure it.”
Dear reader, if "a child of the world," as Goethe once called himself, could not bear the piercing look on the face of the painted Christ, how then will one endure the gaze of the living Christ,—the gaze of the eyes burning "as a flame of fire"? Who shall be able to stand before the Son of Man? Surely none save they who are born of God through faith in the blood of His dear Son.
Tell me, my reader, are you cleansed by the shed blood of Christ? Does His Spirit dwell within you? Has the love of God been shed abroad in your heart by the Holy Ghost? If so, you need not fear, for "perfect love casteth out fear.”
"But now, in Christ Jesus, ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ." Eph 2:13.